
This is why some farts are warmer than others – Expert explains

Published April 3, 2023 | By

This why some farts are warmer than others - Expert explains NewsJive
Illustration image farting. (Dennis Futalan)

Have you ever felt that some farts are warmer than others? Well, there are some truth and a good explanation to these circumstances.

To break wind is mostly associated with good health, despite the embarrassing taboo behavior, and not to say the least if someone smells you. Or even worse, hears you.

But despite that, farting is in most cases a sign of good health. A normal person farts about 5-15 times a day.

According to Professor Lisa Ganjhu, DO, clinical associate professor in the Division of Gastroenterology at NYU Langone Health, farts can tell you a lot about your own current health.

By analyzing your own different farts, like the “temperature” and the different noises that farts produce every time you let gas out, can spot signs of potential health problems or illnesses such as hemorrhoids or fissures.

Professor Ganju told Men’s Health that the different “temperatures” people feel when they fart, are more of a perception thing. In fact, the “temperature” has more to do with body warmth.

“Everything is based on your body temperature,” said the professor to Men’s Health.

The burning sensation one might feel some time when farting, has in most cases to do with eating spicy or acidic food according to the professor, who also added that if it feels spicy in the mouth what you eat, then it will automatically feel “spicy” when you break wind from your butt.

“If it burns your mouth going down it’s going to burn your butt coming out,” said the professor and added; “The tissue in your mouth is very similar to the tissue in your rectum.”

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